Friday, August 25, 2017

Biometric payments a boon to school systems

Photo of children in school lunch line

Biometric payment systems are finding their way into the school system. A child can walk into the school cafeteria, choose a lunch meal, and touch a finger to a scanner to pay for their meal. No need for a small child to remember a PIN number. No worries about lost or stolen student cards.

Schools that have started using a biometric payment system have found their food service staff easily adapting to the new system. Lunch lines are more efficient and move faster. Food service reports are easier to prepare and submit to the federal government. Parents are able to keep track of their child’s spending habits at school.

The program is voluntary; parents can opt out. Also, privacy is maintained. The biometric data is encrypted and stored on an outside server, not by the school system.

Among the school districts in the US who are using, or have announced they’ll be adopting biometric payment systems are Newark, Pennsylvania, West Virginia’s Wood County and San Diego. Small schools as well as large benefit from using a biometric payment system. Biometric payment use in schools is growing internationally as well. Singapore is the latest country to announce the use biometric payments in schools, starting next year.

Singapore Schools to Connect Student Accounts to Fingerprints

Published August 22, 2017,

IdentiMetrics to Provide Biometric Cafeteria Tech to Pennsylvania School District

Published July 17, 2017,

San Diego School District Brings Biometrics to the Cafeteria

Published May 5, 2017,

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